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Digital Transformation: policy workshop for regional perspectives and prospects
by Bagryan Malamin | 13.09.2022
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The 2022 year edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities is held under the overall slogan “New Challenges for Europe’s Cohesion”. In the face of challenges such as digital transformation and inclusive growth, the EU funded BEYOND4.0 (H2020) project organizes an online workshop entitled Digital Transformation: policy workshop for regional perspectives and prospects”.

We ask you to kindly but urgently subscribe to this meeting.  12 October 2022, 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM CET, Online session.

During the session representatives of the BEYOND4.0 research team will share the results and policy recommendations obtained in the course of the project. Participants will be engaged by virtual interaction platforms. The aim is to share the results of our research with the audience, and to invite them to make suggestions how to improve the uptake of digitalisation in regions and cities while retaining / creating good quality jobs for workers.

BEYOND4.0 project, "Inclusive Futures for Europe beyond the impacts of Industry 4.0 and Digital Disruption”, aims to provide a new understanding of the economic impact of the digital transformation on regions. It assesses how digital transformations will impact regional ecosystems, economies and societies, now and in the future. Regions selected for analysis include: Salo, Oulu (Finland), Brainport Eindhoven (Netherlands), Sofia (Bulgaria), West-Midlands (United Kingdom), Rhine-Ruhr (Germany) and the Basque Country (Spain).

We ask you to kindly but urgently subscribe to this meeting (even if you are unsure if it fits with your agenda):

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