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More than 40 people from 16 countries know what to know and how to know it
by Egoitz Pomares | 24.06.2019
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The first BEYOND4.0 Summer School has taken place in Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain) on June 3, 4 and 5. Hosted by Government of Gipuzkoa "Work and Welfare in the Digital Age: what we know and what we need to know" has brought together experienced and young researchers sharing a common interest: to examine the impact of digital transformation and identifying policy options supporting transformation.

During the three-days meeting more than 40 people, with 16 nationalities, have shared and learnt from each other. For that purpose the Summer School has been organized in an interactive manner providing researchers the opportunity to combine theoretical and practical knowledge. The hybrid design of the learning activity has been based on different forms wrangling from Scientific Sessions, Workshops, Roundtables, PhD Poster Sessions, Public Policy Sessions and site visits to companies.

Scientific Sessions served to reflect on the study work and welfare in the digital age, how to use and connect datasets, the socioeconomic effects and its transformation, the historical understanding of technological revolutions but also to study the skills requirements, and the importance of the regional setting and the ecosystem perspective. Link to the regional framework, the public policy sessions aimed at the creation of bridges between research and policy-making. In particular two topics have been addressed, the importance of research-assisted approaches and the importance of the experimental character of institutions. In collaboration with EU level agents such as EUROFOUND, the Summer School has centered the issue of the socioeconomic effect of digital transformation and innovation. In addition, sister projects PLUS and TECHNEQUALITY (H2020) also have participated, which have robusted the research-based approach and commitment for evidence-based policies. The combination of different research backgrounds and traditions have been remarkable. In particular two generation of researchers have been gathered. Experienced researchers with a long track on issues link to work organisation have exchange their knowledge with 16 young PhD students coming from European universities and research centres. In addition, the theoretical knowledge have been mixed with some practical insights. The importance of understanding how new technology is implemented and its impacts on labour has been explored visiting two leading companies facing successfully the transformation: CAF and IRIZAR.

The Summer School has been a great opportunity to agenda set. BEYOND4.0 (H2020) has concluded its first semester since the kick-off back in January. During the first “European semester” the scientific understanding of the digital transformation and its impact on work and welfare has deepen. The research agenda is now set. The research has started and the debate is now open. All these insight will serve to guide the next Summer School to be organized in 2021.

Watch more videos:
Students view of BEYOND4.0 Summer School

Policy session at BEYOND4.0 Summer School

Methodology of the BEYOND4.0 Summer School